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Open Call Arte Laguna Prize 18 (+ 10.000€)

Open Call Arte Laguna Prize 18 (+ 10.000€)

Do., 26.10.2023 - 23:00

Ausschreibende Organisation / Auslober / Kontakt
Name: Jennifer Marie Collavo

E-Mail: fr@artelagunaprize.com


Teilnahmeberechtigt: alle

Örtliche Begrenzung: international

Applications are now open for the 18th edition of Arte Laguna Prize!

Join the world’s most influential competition for artists and designers! You'll have the unique opportunity to exhibit in the iconic space of the Arsenale Nord of Venice from March 02 to April 01, 2024, during an international exhibition that welcomes more than 10 thousand visitors each year. With 18 years of history, Arte Laguna Prize gives artists the opportunity to: -exhibit in Venice (Italy) at the Arsenale Nord; -win a cash prize of €10,000; -join a large network of collaborations around the world; -get free visibility; -sell their works on the online platform artelaguna.world; The Prize is open to the following artistic disciplines: painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art and short films, performance and acting (stage and film), digital art, digital graphics and cartoon, environmental and land art, urban art and street art, art design.

Each year Arte Laguna Prize collaborates with high-level international partners to offer artists a wide range of opportunities around the world. The Special Prizes include collaborations with: -art galleries, that will select an artist for a solo exhibition; -art residencies in Italy and abroad, to provide artists with a multicultural and inspiring environment to create new works; -companies, to connect creativity with the productive sector; -art festivals and exhibitions, to enhance the artists’ international visibility and create new projects; Applications have no restrictions and are open to all artists.
The deadline is on October 26, 2023.

For more info: www.artelagunaprize.com

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